New ABA Faculty Member: Welcome Tara Pilbrow!

Tara will be teaching our B5-7 Contemporary classes! We’re thrilled to have her as part of the ABA team!

Born in Hong Kong in 1979, Tara studied dance at Laban Centre before going to Oxford to complete a degree in Chinese Studies. While in China for her degree course, Tara studied with some of Asia’s leading dance companies: Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Beijing Modern Dance Company and CCDC, Hong Kong.

On her return to Oxford she joined Baser Dance Company with whom she conitnued to perform for five years. On leaving Oxford Tara spent four months in New York studying at Dance Space Center and dancing for choreographer Juliette Mapp. She then settled in Paris where she lived for ten years, working with a number of dance companies (including Cie Jacky Auvray, Cie Longuelouve, Prisme International, Cie Gilschamber, Cie Les Orpailleurs) as well as creating her own work.

Tara moved to the Bay Area in January 2017, making her home in Alameda. In 2018 she joined the board of Alameda non profit West End Arts District. She initiated the Animate Alameda Project with the aim of proliferating and promoting dance performance in Alameda.Two years later she accepted a role as executive director, expanding and diversifying the organization. WEAD produces free community dance and music events, visual arts projects, and provides financial support to local artists.

Learn more about Tara.


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